It's an unforgettable experience for me taking part in MSSD athletic sports day!!
I took part in 4 categories those are :
100m&200m hurdles,4×100m and lontar peluru =D
I won the 2nd runner-up in lontar peluru.
Although I didn't win so many medals, and the only medal is bronze =)
But I was so satisfied with my hurdles jumping's attitude!!
My running scale and speed are improving and slightly better :P
These 4 days, all the athletes from SMK Seri Garing are so good!!
All of us don't give up when we were taking part in our categories.
Segar GO GO GO!!!
Melawati,ShuShu,Go away :D

What the Fwck Melawati's "口号" is:
We will we will Rock you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you ==
So rude :P Melawati is a bad school LOL
Segar GO again!!! :D

